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OcoeeNET Help Guide:

Error Messages:

Moving around the Web is literally just a question of entering an address or clicking on an appropriate link! But, what happens when some pages refuse to load or that pesky 404 Not Found pops up in your browser?

If you encounter any specific error messages not found here, let us know and we'll see if we can find the answer!

The Pesky 404's:

You'll see a couple variations of this "404" business with "404 Not Found" or "404 Access Denied."

"404 Not Found" occurs when the Web page you're trying to get to doesn't exist anymore (whether temporarily or permanently). The first thing you should do is check to make sure you've got the right address. You should also make sure you've typed it in correctly, going over the exact spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and spacing, just like your seventh-grade English teacher would. Also, remember that the Internet does have it's bad days and it may just be bottle-necked somewhere. Try hitting reload a couple of times or try again later on.

If you still get "404 Not Found," it's possible that site doesn't exist anymore, at least not at its old location. Try running a search for the site's name through a search engine and see what comes up - it may have just changed locations.

"403 Forbidden" is what you get when you try to access a file that hasn't been set with "read permissions." All that scary jargon really means is that you can't view the site because the person who maintains the page has either set it up incorrectly or doesn't want you reading it.

DNS error messages usually show up dressed as "Server does not have a DNS entry." This refers to the Domain Name System or Server, which is the means used to look up the Internet addresses for the name you entered. It could mean temporary network slowness or other Net problems. You should also bear in mind that your browser can sometimes mistake its own problems for problems at the site you're trying to reach.

Attention Netscapers:

If you're using Netscape Navigator and experiencing an unusual amount of 404 error messages, the problem could be that Navigator's buffer size is set too small to handle the site you're trying to load. Under the Options menu, select "Network Preferences," and click on the "Connections" tab. This will show you your network buffer size. Raise it to at least 4 or 5 kilobytes. You'll need to close out of Netscape Navigator and start it up again for the changes to take effect. Once you're back up and running, try the sites that were dealing you the 404s again. If they're still out of commission, the problem is probably at their end.

401 Authorization Required:

There are several ways to limit access to a Web page, including password protection. You may get the "401 - Authorization Required" error message when you try to view a Web page with limited access. (A Web site may have a customized version of this error message, such as a screen saying "Access Denied" or "Unavailable.") Basically you don't have permission to view this site!

500 Server Error:

This one indicates there is an error with the server that hosts the site you are attempting to reach. This is usually temporary and you should try again later.

The Requested URL Was Not Found:

This is a message that your Web browser will give you if it can't find a Web site to connect to at the address you specified. Depending on your Web browser, the message might read "Cannot open" or "Cannot retrieve" followed by the Web address. The web page more than likely no longer exists or has changed its address without any re-direction information.

Possible "Failed" codes are:
  • 400 = Failed: Bad Request
  • 401 = Failed: Unauthorized
  • 402 = Failed: Payment Required
  • 403 = Failed: Forbidden
  • 404 = Failed: Not Found
  • 500 = Failed: Internal Error
  • 501 = Failed: Not Implemented
  • 502 = Failed: Overloaded Temporarily
  • 503 = Failed: Gateway Timeout

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